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Hoarseness of Voice


Hoarseness of voice, as seen in general practice, is commonly due to throat infection i.e that is Laryngitis or Laryngeal inflammation following excessive shouting. Both will respond to the following treatment.


  1. Voice rest, especially when the patient’s profession demands a lot of talking e.g. teacher, salesman, singer, actor etc. During voice rest, instruct the patient to communicate by writing on a paper or slat. Whispering is not voice rest.
  2. Steam inhalations 3-4 times/ day. Add Tinc. Benzoin or vicks to water if desired.
  3. Inj. Pencilin 10lacs IM x ATD x OD x 6 or Cap. Bacilox 500mg tds after food.
  4. Tab. Brufen 400mg tds x 5
  5. Tab. Wysolene 5mg tds x 3-5 days after food.
  6. Digene 2 tst tds x 5 antacid to avoid gastritis due to NSAID and steroid or Tab. RANTAC 150mg bd.


If voice does not become normal within a week, Refer to an ENT surgeon for Laryngoscopy.


If laryngoscopy is normal, ask for X-ray chest, Serum T3, T4, TSH


An old man with a change in voice without pharyngitis, has carcinoma of larynx unless proved otherwise refer him immediately to an ENT surgeon for laryngoscopy.


Inj. Pencilin

Cap. Bacilox

Tab. Brufen

Syp. Digene





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